Auto Advance setting shortcuts in frequent actions menu

Hi Damien,

I have a feature suggestion regarding the auto advance functionality in the AnkiMobile app. I would like to suggest to have a shortcut to the auto advance setting from within the review frequent action menus, this way when we switch between different decks where the difficulties are very different, we can more easily adjust things such as the time and the default answer action for that deck.

Currently in order to change the auto advance period it would mean that we need to leave the deck to go back to homepage → preference → review → auto advance → go back to main menu and select the right deck to start reviewing again

Would be great if we can go directly to the auto advance menu from the frequent actions.

Thank you

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll keep an eye on demand for this.

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Hi Damien,

I was just wondering if there has been any progress on the possibility of implementing the feature “Auto Advance setting shortcuts in frequent actions menu”. I understand that it would be implemented if there is enough demand, and I wanted to express my interest in this feature and inquire about any updates. Thank you for your time and consideration.

I’m afraid I haven’t seen much demand for such a feature at this point, so it has not bubbled up to the top of the priority list yet. A shortcut may not even be the best approach - maybe the settings should be stored in each deck preset instead for example.

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I agree with you, allowing the setting to be stored in each deck preset would be the ideal solution, as it would help us from having to adjust the time setting when we switch between different decks where the difficulties are very different, but perhaps offering a shortcut can be a quick and effective solution in the meantime.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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