I can’t upload a link to my deck but if you look up " German Conjugation (Poorman’s Lisardo’s KOFI Method)" on AnkiWeb you can find it. Also, by adding to the end of the ankiweb url “shared/info/778251741”
It’s strange because the audio is available for preview on the website and it works on my mac laptop. But, for some reason when I use this on the Anki mobile app the sounds don’t work. I have other decks where the sounds are working so I don’t think it has to do with my phone specifically.
I don’t think this is the case. I’ve tried most things like resyncing, checking a day later, deleting and putting back in, downloading my shared link from ankiweb and then trying on mobile, etc.
I am just not sure why it doesn’t work if media is synced and since it works on desktop. Super werd.
Edit: sorry, my first reply was intended for a different topic.
AnkiMobile uses iOS’s media tools to play audio, and iOS expects audio files to have an extension that correctly identifies the storage format. The files in that shared decks are .wav files, but they have a .mp3 extension. If you rename them in bulk, then use the find&replace feature to update the references in fields, they should play correctly.