There is currently a Save to All Subdecks option to apply the same preset to all subdecks.
I thought about this: Why shouldnt there be a way to apply changes to the settings to all presets at the same time, like an “Apply to All Presets” button upon closing the settings window.
I agree that being able to apply a setting change to all presets would be very useful. I’m not sure if this would overcomplicate the interface, but as a rough idea, you could add a checkbox next to each “non-global” setting. If checked, the setting would apply to all presets upon the next “Save”. The checkboxes should probably default to off each time the Options window is opened.
Yes, a checkbox for each of “Daily Limits”, “New Cards”, “Burying”, etc…I don’t know how technically difficult this is, but I really hope to see it in the upcoming updates.
To me something like this is downright necessary, especially now when essentially every deck with a unique kind of contents should have its own preset for the FSRS parameters.