I am reviewing cards on a filtered deck which only has 2 button options (again and good, because the deck was created using the option not to adjust the cards after answering).
I am also using the “taps” setting.
The left side of my screen is set to “answer again” and the right side of the screen is set to “answer easy”.
So if I am on the filtered deck and tap on the right side of the screen (i.e. answer easy zone) the whole Anki iOS app just crashes. It doesn’t minimise, it actually crashes because when reopening it I am taken back to deck screen.
It’s not practical to reset the taps between answer easy and answer good when changing between filtered and non filtered decks.
Ideally the answer easy would change its function to answer good when on a filtered deck, but at least it would be nice if the whole app didn’t crash.
Thank you.