So, I’ve had the paid version of Anki for many years now, but it rested on my iPad while other business took over. I only have an iPhone and iPad Air 3 and I want to use Anki for language learning. I don’t need another computer, I’m retired🥳
I’m reading that you cannot use an add-on unless you use the desktop version! Is this the Anki app that I downloaded from the App Store? A little man inside my head is saying, ‘NO’
At the moment my interest is in images the first side of the card with the target language and image, the second side the English answer or response.
So, what’s the best way to resize an image for Anki that the image doesn’t overpower and what size image would you recommend. I’ve been experimenting tonight and it occurred to me that the image shouldn’t give to much information away e.g. in my target language dún (close) and for the image I had a boy slamming a door behind him with some force - is that to much visual information, it’s almost like the answer! As this is just a pastime I’m not interested in going into complicated resizing programs
The note type I’m using is Basic-d9c90+ if there is a better one for language learning, let me know, it’s still not to late for me to change. My target language is Irish and many thanks for your help