Since I updated Anki to verson 2.1.62, Anki crashes when I start typing into the tags field while fctix is running. This happens on several screens, for example when adding a new note or when editing existing notes. When I stop fctix, Anki doesn’t crash anymore.
When I start Anki from the console, the crash prints the error message
anki: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/share/anki/lib/PyQt6/Qt6/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ undefined symbol: _ZN22QWindowSystemInterface22handleExtendedKeyEventEP7QWindowmN6QEvent4TypeEi6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEEjjjRK7QStringbtb, version Qt_6_PRIVATE_API
This didn’t happen in previous versions of Anki. I’m running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Anki Version 2.1.62 (77dd1dc1), Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.5.0 PyQt 6.5.0.