Anki 2.1.50 Beta 6+ / Release Candidate

What is the difference between qt5 and qt6 ??

Qt (and the Python bindings PyQt) is the graphics toolkit that Anki uses. Qt6 is simply the latest version of it. From the beta changes page:

Qt6 is a recently-updated version of the toolkit. It fixes some issues that existed in Qt5, but some add-ons may need updating to work with it. We recommend you try it first.


One issue I noticed ever since switching to Qt6 but couldn’t quite put my finger on for some time is that scrolling in webviews is quite laggy on macOS, it basically stops once you lift the finger from the trackpad, which is not how scrolling it typically work on macOS. It does not happen in Qt5.

P.S.: I learned by @Rumo that alternative video drivers like ANGLE are still available using the Qt5 build, in which Anki is working perfectly well in my computer.

Very sad about not having the option to choose alternative video drivers anymore (ANGLE). I use windows in a Dell (XPS 13) computer, and Anki in OpenGL is extremely slow and buggy, unusable indeed. Nothing can fix this problem, not even formatting the computer. Maybe it is a persistent Dell driver problem, as I had this problem in other computers I had before (also Dell computers). It was a nightmare for me until Anki provided alternative video drivers. And, as far as I can see, this update is removing the alternative drivers. I tried once again, but it is impossible to use Anki with OpenGL in my Dell computer.

If you could bring back the ability to choose alternative video drivers, I would be very grateful!

You can use the Qt5 build, or a slightly more technical workaround:


Thanks for letting me know. It totally solved my problem! returns False even when I enable dark mode. I use this to slightly change the background color of buttons (I like green for validate and red for cancel).

HyperTTS (AwesomeTTS 2.0) has been updated for 2.1.50: HyperTTS - Add speech to your flashcards - AnkiWeb

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I have a problem with hooks in the browser:

My impression is that since rc2 (more precisely since Add Deleted error and disable all bad browser rows (#17)) the hook “browser_did_fetch_row” can be executed before the hook “browser_will_show”. I don’t think this should happen.

I made this minimal add-on:

from aqt import gui_hooks

def _load(browser):
    print('in browser_will_show')

def _column_data(item, is_notes_mode, row, active_columns):


When I have three rows in the browser I used to get the output

in browser_will_show

Now it’s:

in browser_will_show

background: this seems to break the add-on Advanced Browser, see this bug report.

can’t see what i am writing in the tags field

i am using RC2 on ubuntu 21.10
as shown in the photo , when i write tags it get to be hidden under the pop-up suggestions

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RC2 Qt5:
ctrl+shift+v - pasting text without formatting isn’t working for me

ctrl+shift+v - pasting text without formatting isn’t working for me

RC2 QT6 has the same problem on Manjaro KDE.

I believe that’s the user’s selected preference, not the active mode. Try aqt.theme.theme_manager.night_mode.

I can’t seem to reproduce this. Could you explain the problem in more detail? Can you confirm it’s behaving as you expect with 2.1.49?

If you’ve forced Wayland on then that appears to only pick up text from the clipboard half the time, but I presume you’re referring to a different issue.

working! thanks!

I’m now uber excited for 2.1.50.


Sometimes when I suspend my laptop with Anki open and dark mode this happens

I don’t think this is a bug, but maybe something to point out:
Some of mathjax snippets aren’t rendered in the card view (but rendered in the “add” window):


Version ⁨2.1.50 (6718e678)⁩
Python 3.9.7 Qt 6.2.3 PyQt 6.2.3
M1 Macbook Air 12.0.1

Release candidate 3 is now available. If all goes well, this will be relabeled as stable in ~ 4 days.

@chrislg does it correct itself after a few seconds?

@blackace72 thanks, added to Unify exposed MathJax add-ons · Issue #1773 · ankitects/anki · GitHub



Bug Report


Windows 11 Qt 6 RC 3

Anki doesn’t open.

Does setting gldriver either to software, or removing the file, resolve the issue? The default should be software, but you may have changed the setting previously.

Edit: or perhaps you were using ANGLE before, and setting it to ‘auto’ will help?

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