Anki 2.1.44 Select "Forget" a card is irreversible?

Select “Forget” a card in the browser seems to be irreversible and can’t be undone by “Ctrl+z”.

I’m not sure if that is intended.

I didn’t repeat that.

I’m using anki 2.1.44 if it was meanwhile introduced.

you could try getting a backup file to reverse the “Forget”

  1. From the File menu, select Switch Profile to show the Profiles window.
  2. Select the profile you wish to restore on the left.
  3. Click the Open Backup…​ button.
  4. Choose Yes and the available backups will appear.
  5. Open a backup based on the date you wish to restore to.
  6. Check that that the backup that was restored was the one you intended. If you wish to try a different backup return to step 1.
  7. Anki has disabled automatic syncing and backups while you check the backup. When you’re happy with the backup you’ve selected, quit Anki and start it again to return to the normal behaviour.

Source: Managing Files - Anki Manual

Thank you. I don’t want to go backward. I just wasn’t sure, whether it was right to forget the card and so tried to undo it but I’m ok with it.

I just wanted to point on that. In the newer versions there were some changes in the undo options, so I don’t know, if there exists a behaviour as described, if it still occurs.

Due add-on compatibility I don’t want to update my anki to a newer version to test it myself.

Undo “Forget” cards is working in 2.1.49, probably was added in 2.1.45 (Beta 2)
Source: Changes in 2.1.45 - Anki Betas

So if next time, you need to forget and undo, try doing in 2.145+

Have a great day ahead friend

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