Adding clozes while review (in ankidroid)?

Is there a good way to add clozes while you review in cards in ankidroid?

You can hit edit, and type in the cloze brackets to the text of the card.

  • Example (without cloze): Card for example.
  • Example (with cloze): Card for {{c1::example}}.

Hopefully that answers your question. :slight_smile:

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hmm… you mean go in html src mode? I think I didnt make clear what exactly I want to do.

I want to be able to directly click in view mode on the word or sentence that I want to cloze out.

I guess this would be only possible with javascript directly in card template?

Nope, not HTML src mode.

If it’s a cloze-deletion style card you just type it out as I did above. The card will recognize the portion between the double brackets as being the text that should be enclosed within a cloze-deletion.

Simply adding the brackets by editing from the reviewer will suffice, which would be the simplest way to add clozes while you review cards in Ankidroid.

I use the swipe downwards gesture to open editor while I’m reviewing. After that it’s a simple tap and hold the word and click on the cloze option in bottom toolbar.

@brainravens You don’t need to type the brackets out. A faster way is to use the toolbar option. It’s a tap and hold, and another tap in the toolbar option.

Ah, very fair. I think I’m just accustomed to typing out brackets for whatever reason. That would indeed be the simpler, more elegant, solution. :slight_smile:

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