Hello, dear developer.
I have a small request at the moment. I would like you to add a feature: add custom sorting. It’s the ‘Choose display order’ in the card viewer, which includes a lot of sorting options, but no custom sorting. I really need this feature at the moment. When I add a new card, sometimes I need to move the card to a neighbouring card that is related to it. Since I am currently taking a lot of exams, this setup helps me study. I think it could be improved by selecting a card and moving it up and down to achieve the desired goal. If possible, I hope you can consider this small request.
Thank you very much!
One way you can already do this is by using an “Index” field, that contains numbers in it. You set it up as the sort field and then sort by it. To change the order, you just change the numbers.
I understand the method you’re talking about, and it serves the purpose indirectly, but creating a sort field for the numbers may not be what I’m looking for, as it requires an additional field to be added.
If your goal is to have them next to each other in your New card queue – simply rearranging them in the Card Browser wouldn’t accomplish that. You would need to Reposition the new card. Browsing - Anki Manual
I had to create a add-on for this.
It’s very, very awkward that Anki doesnt have some built-in function that does this job.