[2.1.55] old statistics window broken

The old statistics window has been broken for me since the latest update. It worked just fine in 2.1.54.
I’ve tried reinstalling, changing the video driver, switching Qt, disabling add-ons. Nothing works except reverting to 2.1.54.

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Thanks for the report. Would you mind sharing the reason you’re using the old statistics over the regular ones?

I can imagine that mode isn’t meant to be supported forever.

Addon support. There are a few statistics addons that I find extremely useful


Thank you for the report, this should be fixed in the next beta.

@kleinerpirat we probably won’t see much movement here until we publish an API for injecting extra graphs, and publish a how-to on using it. This is complicated by the fact that we may want to allow customizing which graphs are shown by default, and which graphs are shown may depend on context (eg Henrik’s add-on that injects certain graphs into the main window)


@dae Any prevision?

I look forward to this functionality because I have some graphics in the old model that would be very interesting to port them.

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I can’t see myself getting to it in the near future I’m afraid.

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