Quick addendum: Something that is bugging me since switching from Qt5 Anki to Qt6 Anki somewhen during 2024 (due to add-on incompatibility it took me quite some time) is that some keyboard shortcuts have changed. Right now, I can create an ordered list with ⌘ .
, using the German layout. In Qt6, ⌘ ,
will open Anki’s settings. In Qt5, it used to create an unordered list. I prefer it to open the settings, as this is convention for all macOS apps. But (1) the label is wrong in telling me that this is still the correct keyboard shortcut and (2) we need some other keyboard shortcut to create an unordered list. In fact, this is what the following shortcuts do for me right now on German layout with the builtin MacBookPro German keyboard (⌘ is command, ⌥ is alt for Mac):
⌘ ,
opens settings (label says unordered list)⌘ .
creates ordered list (as the label says)⌘ -
nothing⌘ <
nothing⇧ ⌘ ,
(=⌘ ;
),⌥ ⌘ ,
, and⌥ ⇧ ⌘ ,
nothing⇧ ⌘ .
(=⌘ :
),⌥ ⌘ .
, and⌥ ⇧ ⌘ .
nothing⇧ ⌘ -
(=⌘ _
),⌥ ⌘ -
, and⌥ ⇧ ⌘ -
nothing⇧ ⌘ <
(=⌘ >
),⌥ ⌘ <
, and⌥ ⇧ ⌘ <
nothing⇧ ⌘ +
(=⌘ *
) is superscript (label says superscript is⌘ =
, but on German layout the=
is no plain key but rather⇧ 0
→ In this case, pressing the “would be” button (in my case the asterisk) does work, but it doesn’t for the indent ones, see above⇧ ⌘ 0
(=⌘ =
) is subscript (label says subscript is⌘ ⇧ =
, which is not possible with the Germany layout, see above) → This is funny, because pressing the shortcut⌘ =
should, according to the label, apply superscript but instead applies subscript⌥ ⇧ 5
does correctly apply strikethrough (labelled asalt+shift+5
)- Indent is labelled as
, but that is a keyboard shortcut used by macOS systemwide for the App Switcher - Outdent is labelled as
is also used for the App Switcher and is not recognized by Anki
One more thing: By Apple convention, one would label ⇧ ⌘ 0
, not ⌘ ⇧ 0
, as Anki does. While this won’t make a huge difference, we could, when fixing, adjust that.