Wie neue Karten so einstellen, dass in beiden Richtungen und einzutippen?

Moin zusammen,

ich habe Anki neu, sehe im Menü aber nur die Funktionen “Einfach (Antwort eintippen)” und “Einfach (beide Richtungen)”. Gibt es nicht die Möglichkeit, dass man Karten für beide Richtungen erstellt und die Antwort selbst eintippt? Also beide Funktionen hat?

Danke vorab für die Hilfe.

Viele Grüße

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The basic record types are such that you can figure them out and create your own if necessary.

Clone the type “Einfach (beide Richtungen)” and try to add to the front part:




Please note that the names of the fields in your language may differ.


You can duplicate the “Basic (and reversed card)” note type and modify it to make your own custom note type that does both things.

  1. Sync all your systems before starting this.
  2. Add a new note type based on “Basic (and reversed card)” – Notes > Manage Note Types > Add > choose Add: Basic (and reversed card) > name it “Type answer + reversed” (or whatever you like)
  3. Select your new note type > Cards
  4. Modify both Card 1 and Card 2 to add a {{type:___}} field replacement on the front templates – Field Replacements - Anki Manual – for whatever field is used on the back of the card (e.g. {{type:Back}}).

[Oops, I should have updated before posting! @Keks already gave you an answer while I was typing!]


A more detailed answer would not be superfluous.


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