Why does my simulation not show reviews going down?

Here is the simulation of a deck I am currently going through, that has over 3k total cards

vs this deck, which has just under 2k cards, and I finished mid January.

I simply do not understand why the amount of reviews for this deck never goes down like my other one. I don’t want to keep doing the same amount of reviews for it, and it really just doesn’t make sense since I am not taking any new cards.

Because the second preset’s parameters show that your memory on this deck is poor in the view of FSRS.


Also, in the first one the reviews initially increase because of the new cards that you’re doing, then it stabilises later just like the second graph.


So basically I need to perform better then? I always seem to be performing similarly between the two, so I just was confused as to why it predicts such a high number of reviews seemingly indefinitely, versus stabilizing at 20 reviews on average. Guess I better lock in more and hope the simulation improves.

Maybe the parameters are not accurate enough. You can optimize the parameters and run the simulation again.

Doing that made it worse :sob: