When request to add sound in an entry by pressing the button add voice, the system gives an erro


Ocorreu um erro. Por favor, inicie o Anki enquanto segura a tecla shift, isto vai desabilitar temporariamente as extensões que você instalou.

Se o problema ocorrer somente quando as extensões são habilitadas, use o Ferramentas > Extensões para desabilitar algumas extensões e reinicie o Anki, repetindo até descobrir a extensão que está causando o problema.

Quando você descobrir a extensão que está causando o problema, por favor reporte o problema em [site de suporte de extensão]

Informações de Depuração:

Anki 2.1.65 (aa9a734f) Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.4.3 PyQt 6.4.0

Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041

Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2

Add-ons, last update check: 2023-08-11 17:15:47

Caught exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “aqt.webview”, line 46, in cmd

File “aqt.webview”, line 153, in _onCmd

File “aqt.webview”, line 662, in _onBridgeCmd

File “aqt.editor”, line 474, in onBridgeCmd

File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\common.py”, line 121, in _show

self._instance = self._target.constructor(

File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\generator.py”, line 670, in init

super(EditorGenerator, self).init(

File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\base.py”, line 243, in init

super(ServiceDialog, self).init(*args, **kwargs)

File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\base.py”, line 80, in init


File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\base.py”, line 255, in _ui


File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\base.py”, line 313, in _ui_services


File “C:\Users\awpga\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\814349176\awesometts\gui\base.py”, line 340, in _ui_services_presets

save.setFixedWidth(save.fontMetrics().width(save.text()) + 20)

AttributeError: ‘QFontMetrics’ object has no attribute ‘width’

This add-on hasn’t been updated in a while and is not compatible with your Anki version. Check alternative options like HyperTTS or another AwesomeTTS clone.

Thanks for your answer. I will try to get first an older version of ANKI.

I would not recommend this. You can’t stay with outdated add-ons forever and you likely run into other problems with older Anki versions. Maybe give the current Qt5 version of Anki a try, as I read meanwhile, this could also address your issue.

1 Like

thanks I will try qt5 then

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