What does it mean if I don't click any of the answer buttons?

I’ve been using Anki for a long time, but I still don’t understand what really happens if I do any of the following operations:

  1. When reviewing a card on the desktop Anki, the answer shows up, but I don’t click on “Again”, “Hard”, “Good” or “Easy”, I just press the SPACE key on the keyboard.
  2. When reviewing a card on the iOS Anki, the answer shows up, but I don’t click on “Again”, “Hard”, “Good” or “Easy”, I just touch the empty space on the screen.

In both cases, the next card would replace the current card, which seems that the current card has finished reviewing. But what does it mean? Which difficulty level has Anki set for that card?

By default, pressing spacebar (or enter) on desktop is the same as selecting good. Regarding AnkiMobile, I’ll refer to the manual Preferences - AnkiMobile Manual.


Thanks, that’s really helpful.

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