Use of old Decks with .anki extension

After a computer failure, I downloaded the new version of Anki. All of my home-made decks are on my hard drive and have the *.anki file designation. I cannot figure out how to use them with the new Anki.

Thanks for your help.


You can use this add-on to import .anki files:

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That does seem to work, thank you. The instruction is not quite clear, as there is not an option for “Browse and Install”, it is called “Get Add Ons”.

I would echo the request of another person who had this problem - this option should be included in the main application, and explained, early, in the documentation. Thank you for this great app, though, I have been a user (for Thai and Hindi) for 15 years or more.

Appreciate your help.

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@dae apparently the “Browse & Install” below the add-on codes needs to be updated to “Get Add-ons”

Thanks, I’ll address this the next time the AnkiWeb frontend gets an update.

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