Undo last review of a card

From time to time, I mistype “1” during review. I only notice this after the card resurfaces after several minutes. I can then Ctrl-Z all the way back to that mistyped review and redo everything or have to “relearn” the card that actually is probably very easy. (Using the numpad, it’s often easy “4” that gets mistyped as “1”).

Is there already a native way to handle this more gracefully; to undo last review of a certain card?

Or is the answer just to let it slide: after all, hitting “easy” on that card every time it pops up from now on only takes a second. I think this is probably the answer, but… it’s unpleasant ;D

(I already use Color Confirmation addon and I do recommend it, but somehow I still seem to miss these…)

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I don’t know if there’s an add on designed to do what you want, but I personally wouldn’t worry too much. Reviewing a card a few extra times won’t hurt too much, and as you say, hitting “Easy” two or three times (if you feel the card is actually easy for you for you) should solve the “problem”.


There doesn’t seem to be an add-on like that.

But I think the solution along with the well-grounded “don’t worry” might be an add-on to remap “Again” somewhere where it isn’t “too” accessible.

For example this seems quite nice, although I haven’t yet tested it.

There is an addon, it’s called Customize Keyboard Shortcuts, the forum won’t let me link it but here’s the code: 24411424

It’s a powerful tool and might cause conflict with some other addon, so use with caution.
The undo function is “m_toolbox undo”: “Z” (or at least I have mine set to undo when I press Z)

Yes, it’s a great addon and I use it all the time :smiling_face:

But I think you misunderstood my problem. Undo is already possible without any addons so that’s no problem. The problem is only when I notice 100 reviews later that I answered “Again” accidentally on some card instead of, say, “Easy”. If I would like to undo that erroneous review, I would have to undo all previous 100 reviews, answer correctly on the erroneous one, and then redo the 100 correct reviews I just undo’d (undid?).

But as said by others earlier, this is not as much a problem as just an inconvenience. It’s not much trouble just answering “Easy” on the next times the card pops up.

Okay. I think your best bet would be to open that specific cards history (there is a button somewhere where you can see card history during review) then make a note of the last interval, ease, etc for that card. Then click ‘b’ which will open card browser. Then manually change the interval and ease back to what it was (the due date should still be set today) then next time you see card it will be back to what it was before you mistype. Then click correct button and problem solved! There is add on somewhere to manually edit ease and interval.

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