Unable to see new cards before review cards

I looked at the other recent posts with v3 scheduler before posting here and am still confused.
I am unable to see new cards everyday before the review cards. Here are my settings under This Deck:

Display Order:
New card gather order - Deck
New card sort order - Random
New/review order - Show before reviews
Interday learning/review order - Show before reviews
Review sort order - Relative overdueness

Nothing is checked under burying.

How do I fix this without having to do the whole create a filtered deck, etc? Thanks!

Types of Cards

  • New: A new card is one that you have downloaded or entered in, but have never studied before.
  • Learning: Cards that were seen for the first time recently, and are still being learnt.
  • Review: Cards that were previously learnt, and now need to be reviewed so you don’t forget them. There are two types of review cards:
    • Young: A young card is one that has an interval of less than 21 days, but is not in learning.
    • Mature: A mature card is one that has an interval of 21 days or greater.
  • Relearn: A relearning card is a card that you have failed in review mode, thus returning it to learning mode to be relearned.

Which Types of Cards are you having problems with?
Do you see Review cards before new cards?

Generally when folks ask about this issue, they are seeing Learn / Relearn cards (in red), and mistaking them for “Review” cards (in green).


If those cards that are coming up first are actually short-interval Learn / Relearn cards – they are the highest priority and will always be shown as close to their due time as possible. If you are starting the day with leftover short-interval cards that you didn’t have a chance to graduate to Review yesterday – those are overdue and will be shown first.

You will also have Learn / Relearn cards that were introduced during your study today or lapsed today – you’ll see them as soon as their set interval passes (or sooner, based on your learn-ahead limit).

[Interday Learn cards – as @Keks described :pray:t4: – have a separate order/priority setting relative to Reviews, because they are just due “today,” not at any particular time.]

Thank you @Danika_Dakika and @Keks for the explanation. I want to see the blue cards everyday (‘new’ from what I understand as this number never goes down) before I see any red (‘learn’) or green (‘review’) cards. I am a bit liberal with my use of the again button, hence the green number decreases very little.
Nonetheless, is there a way to ensure that I see the new cards before the learn and review cards every day?

If you do not have time to complete the review cards, then you should give up new ones. Not only do you not get much benefit from interval repetition, but you most likely increase your workload due to non-optimal intervals.

What you want can be done with Filtered Decks. Either filter out today’s new cards or filter out the red ones.

Card state

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Thank you for the suggestion and help. I’ll use filtered decks.

But just keep in mind – there’s no point in introducing New cards unless you also graduate them to Review. If you’re going to use a Filtered deck to get these New cards into Learn, and then leave them there to decay with the rest already in Learn – you’re wasting your time.

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