Text list of Decks

Many thanks to all who have contributed here.

I would like to be able to generate a plain text or otherwise text based list of my current decks.

Forgive me if I have missed it somewhere. As it is it does not seem possible to obtain a text list without a lot of effort. It seems impossible to copy and paste or otherwise obtain this text in a simple way. Would be grateful if this was a feature or add-on. Many thanks.

I can’t understand what you want and what you’re offering.

Text Files

Printing cards in your collection

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I’m asking if there is a way to obtain a list of my current decks in text form. Not the text on the cards but a text list of all the decks in my collection.

Open the debug console in Anki and the run the below code:

for deck in mw.col.decks.all_names_and_ids():

Thank you jhhr :pray:
That works really well.

Can I be the only one who wants to list out my decks and write a description of their contents?

I haven’t heard this requested as a need before. It seems like deck names can be whatever you want, so for most users, there might not be a need for a lot of further description to understand them.

I’m very grateful for jhhr’s help in providing a script that lists the decks in my collection.

It might be a little niche. Some of my decks have very long titles as it is so I’m using abbreviations.

Listing is really to help with the development of the content, so I can add a very detailed definition as well as including any other notes for that purpose.

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