Syntax and categories doubts related to custom deck creation

Hi there! I’ve been using Anki for a while with a very basic workflow and I’d like to use custom decks to step up my game, but I’m want to make sure my syntax is correct and I’m not sure which categories should I include in my search terms.
What I’d like to have is a custom deck that contains learning, due (only scheduled cards, I don’t want to study ahead) overdue (a week from now), reviewing and relearning cards. All from a specific tag from a specific deck

  • My first question: is the syntax ok in terms of boolean logic?
"deck:example deck" tag:tag1 (is:due OR is:learn OR is:review)

On the other hand, as I said i want to study:

learning, due, overdue, reviewing and relearning cards

I’m aware that according to the manual searching section I can use:
is: due that shows

review cards and learning cards waiting to be studied

  • My second question is, what does is:due show? scheduled cards and unscheduled ones? only schedules ones? what does waiting to be study exactly mean?
    For relearning cards the same page manual says I should use is learn is: review. that means relearning cards don’t show up when using is:due?
    On the other hand, in the Count subtitle under the Filtered deck section, the manual states that:

    In a filtered deck, reviews that were already due are displayed in the review count as normal. Learning cards and non-due reviews are counted in the new card count, due to how the underlying implementation works.

  • Even though they are shown in the new card count, that doesn’t mean my filter won’t work,right? It only affects the numbers on the bottom on the screen, not the categories the cards themselves belong to, right?
    Thanks a lot

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