I was using anki regularly with an anking and ankihub add-on for school and then the laptop I was using crashed and is now inaccesable. I tried to download anki on a new laptop and log in with the same credentials and it remembers my account and shows that I have the ankihub membership with the anking decks downloaded, however it does not have any of the cards I have done before and now shows that any progress I made through decks never happened.
I spoke with a few other anki users who think that I may not have been signed in on that older laptop but I’m not sure how the new one would recognize my old subscriptions if I was not logged in on the old one.
Anyone know how I could recover my progress and statistics from the other device?
Did you also sign in to your AnkiWeb account to sync your collection data? Syncing with AnkiWeb - Anki Manual
As I understand it, AnkiHub piggy-backs on AnkiWeb’s sync process for its updates, but AnkiWeb is still how your collection (including all of your decks, media, review history, etc.) syncs between your devices.
I’m not sure I know the difference/where this syncing would have been outside of the main large sync
Is this on ankiweb or through the anki application? I haven’t seen this preferences page before.
This is on anki desktop if you’re using the latest version of anki.
tools > preferences
or Ctrl+P.
Okay great I see this. But, when syncing the ankiweb settings and card history do not match that of my previous laptop where I had over a year of anki work done. I am not sure if I just should have been backing up that information or how I could recover it
Did you sync regularily?
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