Sync Android and Laptop

Hi, I am not able to synchronise my Android Anki Deck with my Anki Deck on my Laptop. Someone here, who might be able to help me with some suggestions? Thank you!

It’ll help if you give people more context. An example is shown in the manual.

Some questions to consider:

  1. Have you created your AnkiWeb account?
  2. Are you logged in the same account in all devices?
  3. Is there any error message showing up?
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Hi, thak you for your response. Much appreciated.

I dind´t know where to start to explain my problem :slight_smile:

Yes, I do have a AnkiWeb account.

I first tried it, without being logged in.

Later I tried it with being logged in on my laptop but not on my Android.

Now I tried it with being logged in on my laptop and on my Android.

I always receive the same error messages:

On my laptop, the notice says that the decks/ collections are so diffrent, that is not possible to bring them togehter. I can choose the deck I would like to keep on both devices. But if I push the button nothing happens.

On my android, the notice says that the decks/ collections are not able to be combined and that I need to choose one. When I do so, nothing happens.

I will see, if I can uploade the error messages. But they are in German.

Any thoughts??

I’m assuming it’s your first time using AnkiWeb so it’s still empty on the AnkiWeb side. Are the deck in laptop and mobile the same ones or different? If they are different decks with different notes, you should be manually combining them first before syncing to AnkiWeb.

I can choose the deck I would like to keep on both devices.

I think you might be misunderstanding the process. Syncing with AnkiWeb doesn’t sync your different devices; It syncs your AnkiWeb account’s collection with your local device’s collection. The usual process is:

  1. Sync on one device so that both the on-device and AnkiWeb collections are synced.
  2. Sync on another device.

It seems you have a merge conflict so your best bet to merge these separate collections might be manually exporting the deck from one device and importing on another. Then sync and upload everything to AnkiWeb. Then you cam download everything on the other device. See Syncing with AnkiWeb - Anki Manual for details. The manual does a better jon of explaining sync process.

To be honest I don´t know a lot about Anki, but I use it a few month now… THANK YOU so much for your thoughts. I will get on here soon again and try to understand and work it out. Depending on how it works I might send another note on here. THANK YOU !! Are you a real person or AI?

I might’ve used “It seems” a bit too much today but no, I’m totally real. We do get people spamming here with AI but you can usually tell they are AI by how unhelpful they are.


oh, no, you wrote a great explanation. With your guidance I was able to solve my problem. The text appears slightly differently on the laptop than on the mobile phone. But the content is right and so is the indication of how many vocabulary words I should learn. Thank you for your help. Thank you very much. Great.


The text appears slightly differently on the laptop than on the mobile phone.

Maybe font issue. You can get any font file you wish and have them synced across devices. See Styling & HTML - Anki Manual.

(Again, I’m just fast, not AI :sweat_smile:)

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Oh, yes, thanks. Or because Arabic is written by the right and German by the left. I used both languages…

Thanks again for your (fast :slight_smile: help !

Have a wonderful start into 2025.

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