Hi guys!
I’m having an issue: I can’t properly synchronize the cards I create on my iPhone or my computer.
This message appears:
“Your decks on this device and on AnkiWeb differ in a way that they cannot be merged, so it’s necessary to overwrite one with the other.
If you choose to download, Anki will download the collection from AnkiWeb, and any changes you’ve made on your computer since the last sync will be lost.
If you choose to upload, Anki will send your collection to AnkiWeb, and any changes you’ve made on AnkiWeb or other devices since the last sync will be lost.
Once all devices are synchronized, future reviews and added cards can be merged automatically.”
I have two options: Send to AnkiWeb or Upload from AnkiWeb.
Do you know what’s causing this issue? How can I resolve it?