Suggestion: Lapse to Review Ratio

I think 4, 5, and 6 would be an add-on to manage Leech.

There is an add-on that does this, the Leech Toolkit, but it was broken so I created a simple Fork and uploaded it to AnkiWeb.
(I didn’t add any functionality since I just fixed it.)

These features include.

  • Flags, deck moves, leech marked.

Flags are not transparent, but can be set automatically.

  • Code by L.M.Sherlock

Very nice, I think it can be used for the core part of calculations, it is also customizable. I will try to create some prototype later.


Woah what a great find! Thank you so much.

Flags are not transparent, but can be set automatically.

I kind of which I could add more flags than the 7 present, since I use all 7 for different things. But oh well, I will try this leech marker thingy and test it.

I also see an add-text option. I think this would help me a lot, but how would that apply to cloze cards? :sweat_smile:

I also found a move to deck option. I think this is a legendary feature but only thing is, I dont know if this would work with moving to an empty filtered deck, since filtered decks keep the original posiitions of the cards.

But there is this issue that still remained: Leech setitng is still arbitrary. It is not based on any calculation. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I think if you combine the features of this add-on (with some adjustments like I suggested above) with the only difference being that the threshold should NOT be based on a laspe:review ratio (unless I am missing something here) or Sherlocks code, then this would make the perfect Leech add-on.

Very nice, I think it can be used for the core part of calculations, it is also customizable. I will try to create some prototype later.

Eagerly looking forward to it!

  • Flags
    This add-on allows you to add custom flags.
    More Flags - Add card flags with custom names and colors
    But this only works on PC, there are no transparent flags, and it cannot be used with the Leech toolkit.

  • Add-text option
    I don’t know, this add-on has so many features I have not tested all of them.
    (I only fixed this a little to make it work).

  • Filtered deck
    Perhaps this add-on does not support filtered decks.
    When I tested it, the cards remained even after empty the deck.

Filtered deck
Perhaps this add-on does not support filtered decks.
When I tested it, the cards remained even after emptying the deck.

This is kind of a vital feature if it were to put them into a deck because you’d probably want to know to which deck the card belongs lest confusion arise or they pile up in a single deck.

Hmm, there are some issues with this add-on it seems. Another problem I ran through is that it has a problem with Media syncing.

I think it would be for the best if you just incorporate all of this into a single big add-on with all the issues fixed at once if you could.

A choice: should the failures of overdue reviews (when a card has a low retrievability) be counted as leeching?

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I dont think so. And as I mentioned above, the failures of very young cards (introduced maybe <3 days ago) should also not be counted as leech.

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I fixed the sync problem and uploaded it to AnkiWeb.

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Wonderful!!! Thank you so much. Did you get the filtered deck thing and the ratio-code working as well. I am asking too much from you right now :sweat_smile:, it is just hat this add-on with the ideas mentioned will help me a lot especially that I have very big exams coming up.

Add-on fork and sync feature was just a simple fix to broken code, so that was easy.
The ratio-code and move-filtered are additional features, so will probably take some time.

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Oke so just in case everything summed up again:

1-Lapse:Review Ratio and Sherlocks code

2-Calculates average ratio so that user can use that as a reference

3-Customizable ratio threshold for leech (multiple thresholds could be great also to make it more fluid: the first few reviews could have a ratio of 1:x and the next reviews must have a ratio of 1:y)

4-Customizable time threshold after which cards can begin be considered to be leeches (e.g. learning phase)

Features to be fixed in the other add-on:

5-An indicator, that also works with large cloze notes, to be displaced on the front or back side on the menu bar like the Today Again count add-on

(the indicator is not working on the Leech toolkit addon)

8-Can work with the more flags add-on (it does not work with more than 7 flags

9-Can move leech cards to filtered decks

10- Can move leech cards to normal decks and return leech cards to their original decks (I couldn’t find a way to do that with the add-on. Without this, I fear all leech cards would pile up into one big mess).

And it just came up to me that this doesn’t have to be only restricted to the reviewing phase only. It can also be done in the learning phase to see if the card one is learning is way too hard and that there should be measures taken right from the get go.

With these two combined, I think this would make for a very serious add-on.
When do you plan to release this :hugs:

For now I have about 7 add-ons in development that I plan to make first, so it will be after that. I don’t know until I make it. This leech calculation feature will be incorporated into my game add-on that I plan to create, so I’ll probably create it together with that. (“TodayAgainCount” add-on I created before was also a byproduct of my game add-ons.)

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