After reviewing all my cards altogether after rescheduling, tweaking my decks into certain presets, and optimizing it.
I’ve noticed something strange after seeing the message “For optimum memory, consider increasing the daily limit in the options.” I checked that deck, set it to 9999 and has over ~1540 reviews.
By the way, my reviews are averaging about 400 (decks altogether) after optimizing and rescheduling. Until now, after putting certain decks to specific presets
I was shocked that this happened for the first time, and maybe that adding separate presets to decks and optimizing them caused them to do this?
Reproduction -
Set the decks to certain presets, and optimize them.
Go to FSRS Addon Helper to reschedule all the cards.
After seeing the decks, I’ve seen a large review count.
This is normal when you reschedule all cards, which is why It’s not generally recommended. There should be a warning when you enable “Reschedule cards on change”
Im not sure if the IOS version keeps backups but if it does you can revert to a backup and not reschedule the cards
Yes, it caused your parameters to change too much. I’d suggest you put your review limit to 9999 and then check the backlog rescheduling creates. If there’s a backlog too large to handle you’re better off not rescheduling.
By the way, you should check some of the simulations done recently and choose a good sort order that helps with backlog. The meta has unofficially shifted away from relative overdueness.