"Spread" a cards over a period of time: ReMemorize Does not Seem to Work


I hope all is well, and thank you for reading this.

My goal:

  • Spread 1500 cards to review over 50 days.

What I’ve tried:

  • ReMemorize


  • ReMemorize does not seem to have an option for what I want to do.

Any feedback/ suggestion is appreciated.

And what do you want to achieve? I would think ReMemorize could do it but I’m no expert and don’t use it myself. It might require a little bit more work than a default feature.

I have 1500 cards that are due, and want to attend to them over 55 days. I can “manually” only do 50 or so cards/ day, but it’d be much easier if I can just set a 50-card/ day limit on the deck that has those particular cards.

Please let me know if that cleared up my situation.

You can configure the daily review limit in the deck options.

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The issue is that I have other decks and I want to have 9999 reviews daily. I tried changing daily review limit just for one deck—and it changed it for all the other decks as well.

You can assign different option groups to different decks in that same screen.