Speedfocus and Awesometts

Guys, is there a way to set the speed focus mode to wait for the audio play, then reveal the answer, then automatically proceed to the next note? I have awesometts on my notes, but it seems I can’t use both add-ons at the same time

Speedfocus has been incorporated to Anki

Shortcut: Shift + A

use the shortcut to pause/unpause

Requires Anki 23.12 or later. Auto Advance allows you to automatically reveal the answer and/or move to the next card. To use it, you must first set a non-zero time in “seconds to show question” and/or “seconds to show answer”. Then, in the review screen, use the Auto Advance action from the More button to start advancing.
Deck Options - Anki Manual


thank you :smiley: