Update: The problem is solved. My solution is that uploading the context of my decks respectively.
Exactly, see the three steps below.
Go to Preferences in Tools tab or enter hotkey Ctrl P, and then under Network tab, uncheck “Synchronize audio and images too”, next start syncing. This step’s goal is only uploading text and configuration of our decks
Check “Synchronize audio and images too” and click Sync. This step’s goal is uploading media of our decks.
Finally, uncheck “Synchronize audio and images too” and we only need to sync scheduling information later. Now we are able to review our decks between different devices.
Hello, everyone.
There has been a syncing problem with my anki desktop. When I upload my collection to ankiweb, it fails and the dialogue box reads, “Either the upload is corrupt, or your collection has exceeded the 250MB limit”.
But the size of the apkg file exported is only 163MB.
Could you help me? Thank you in advance.