The issue with days to simulate is how it counts a day. To illustrate the problem, I set this to 1 and this is what I get:
If you similarly simulate 20, days you actually get 19 days into the future (including today). However, the tooltip considers the first day to be 0 and you get weird results when simulating only one day (as is clear from the image).
@A_Blokee It’s you who’ve done most of the the others so could I also ask for this?
Well day 0 is today isn’t it?
I get the same amount for today when I have learn span set to 1 as I do when its not set to 1. (Note I have my reviews done today so it should be low)
The numbers you get are correct regardless of learn span. It’s the “how many days are getting simulated” that doesn’t match up with learn span.
If you simulate for 1 day, you get day 0.
If you simulate for 2 days, you get day 0 + day 1.
If you simulate for 3 days, you get day 0 + day 1 + day 2.
I think it should become something like this instead,
If you simulate for 1 day, you get day 0 + day 1.
If you simulate for 2 days, you get today (day 0) + 2 days into the future.
If you simulate for 20 days, you get today (day 0) + 20 days into the future.
Here, I meant that if you simulate when learn span is at minimum value (1) you get a single dot for today (and don’t even ask about the x-axis label, it shows some random three digit number). If setting learn span to 1 were to correspond with “next day + day 0”, this never happens.
I think the change makes sense because the simulator isn’t even simulating today, it’s just putting it in graph from existing data.
Today is still actually simulated because if you have any cards left that day it still needs to rate them for the rest of the simulation.
I think it would be less confusing if we keep the amount of data points in line with the number the user puts in.
And maybe think of the x axis tick as an extra bonus random number generator feature. Ok maybe i’ll try to fix that at some point.
Those cards can be rated again too (leading to more reviews in sim than cards due)? In my testing, the number of reviews the sim shows was equal to number of cards I’d got left.
Can day 0 be just hidden? Also addresses this if you make the changes in OP:
Sure, with low learn_span that’s better. But with the default 365 days let’s say, if you check the last day of simulated it’s the 364th day and not 365th which is what users will expect I think.