Set Learn Ahead Limit to Zero

I really appreciate you responding and explaining the butler settings for me! That makes a bit more sense. How long as the butler been including that as the default?

The “why” is definitely the thing I’m trying to understand, so I’d love it if Nick or Abdulla could elaborate. I imagine that a lot of care and thought went into generating these defaults, so the hub/butler experts must see some inherent value in having learners always wait out that step delay. What is that value?

Is setting learn-ahead to 0 a popular feature among your clientele? It looks like you get almost as many posts about it in your community as we do! But what I see are all folks asking how to avoid waiting that delay. (I admit it’s probably a slanted statistic, since your default is to wait it out. :sweat_smile: )

I also noticed that you have a very nice animated tutorial (to which I might start linking folks! :wink: ) showing how to increase it from 0 back up to “typically 15 or 20 minutes.” That makes me think that the request for how to increase it is pretty common.

I rewatched the video [direct link to the timepoint], thanks! The fella (is that Nick?) explains that he leaves it set at 0 – except for when it’s the end of the study day and he wants to finish up the last of the cards quickly. But here’s what confuses me about that: the setting doesn’t do anything at any other time.

I am trying to understand why you would keep it at 0 when it isn’t doing anything, but change it to a higher number to pull cards forward when it can do something. To me, it makes sense to leave it set at your preferred setting all the time.

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