I am using FSRS and I am going on a long trip (one or two months) soon. I won’t have the possibility to do a lot of reviews during this time period because I won’t have much time and sometimes no internet and I would like to do reviews in advance to keep the catch-up after my trip acceptable.
I understand that reviewing young cards isn’t very effective (not to mention new cards) so I guess it’s better to start reviewing older cards (mature or even super mature).
what do you suggest the settings for early reviews should be ? more generally, how would you address this problem ?
Retrievability = the probability of remembering a card now. (R)
Stability = the number of days it takes for a card’s R to decrease to 90% from 100%. (S)
If you have a desired retention (DR) of 0.9 (90%) the R of all your cards is around 90% when they come up for review, including young and mature cards. This means you always review cards with the property prop:r=<0.9 (R is always equal to or less than 0.9 when you’re reviewing).
As for S, your young cards are reviewed more often because the S is low. This means young cards’ R drops more quickly. This is in contrast to mature cards’ R that takes more time to drop to 0.9, and hence they have hugher S. If you want to review mature cards, you’ll review cards with higher S. For example, prop:s>100.
I assume you already know about filtered decks, you just need a little tinkering with the search to review the cards you want.
Of course, you can just Review ahead in custom study but as you’ve might realised, it’s less effective method.