"reset" card without FSRS optimizer ignoring previous reviews

Sometimes, I find out after a month or so that I forget a card because the mnemonic I came up with isn’t memorable enough. In such a case I click the “forget” button during the review and think of a better mnemonic right away. However, since the interval may still be set to 10 days (or something quite high), it means that I will have forgotten the new mnemonic by the time I’m reviewing the card again.

One workaround is to reset the card right after clicking forget, thus resetting the interval. This way, the card is presented again within the next few days in order to help me to memorize the new mnemonic within shorter intervals. However, the downside of this workaround is that the FSRS optimizer will be ignoring all card reviews up to the point when the card was reset.

I also thought to manually set the due date and interval to “1”, for example. However, my concern with this solution is that the interval will be overwritten the next time I run the FSRS optimizer with the “reschedule cards on change” option turned on.

Can you think of a better solution for such a scenario?


I presume you’ve either removed all your relearning steps, or are speaking about the delay after rating it correctly in relearning. One quick and dirty solution might be to rate it Again when you see high intervals, as I expect FSRS will further reduce the interval when you do that.



I don’t want to do that since there are also cards which I have simply forgotten, not because of a bad mnemonic. Therefore, rating cards with a bad mnemonic with “again” multiple times in a row would skew my review history for cards which I simply have forgotten, not due to a bad mnemonic.

Therefore, it could be said that I need two “again” buttons: One for simply forgetting a card (the primary purpose of the “again” button), and a second one for telling Anki that I want to restart from scratch with this card since I came up with a better mnemonic.

In the past I used the reset feature for the second case but as I explained in my first post, the downside is that the FSRS optimizer will ignore all card reviews up to the point when the card was reset.

I don’t assume that’s that much of a downside. Sure, FSRS will have less data to work with (less data from a particular sort of cards) it should still work well enough. Check your RMSE/log loss values for that.

If you want alternative methods, it can be moving your cards to a seperate deck with custom set relearning steps, or using a filtered deck for extra study of mnemonics.

The moving to another deck shouldn’t be too hard. You can bury your cards from the review screen, search them with is:buried-manually, unbury them, and move the cards. Then you can seperately study them.

Though, I think your current method should be fine. If I were you I’d just keep using reset option.

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Great idea!

Thanks for your help :blush:.

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