Reinstall problem due to the recent price change

I bought Anki 1 or 2 years ago.
And I was using Anki frequently.
Yesterday I tried to install Anki also on my iPad, which has the same Apple ID.
But somehow anki on the app store on my iPad was unavailable.
That’s why I asked the Apple customer service.
Then I figured out the reason why the app wasn’t available. This was due to the recent price change of Anki.
Moreover anki customer service asked me to delete and reinstall Anki on my iPhone. Then Anki on my iPhone became unavailable anymore. And repurchase was required.
After that, apple customer service asked me to contact Anki support because this problem was due to a third party for Apple.
That’s why I wrote my problem here.
I’m sorry for a too personal problem.
But is it possible to get anki back on my iPhone or get anki on my iPad for free with my same apple ID?

Best regards

Has the price changed recently?
Are you sure you’re talking about AnkiMobile ‎AnkiMobile Flashcards on the App Store (and not one of the knock-off apps)?

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Thank you for your kind reply.
Yes, I’m saying about Ankimobile flashcards on iPhone.
I bought anki app in Japanese yen.
Probably because of the currency rate change of Japanese yen, the price was changed about 1 year ago. The previous price was 3000 yen, but now the current price is 3500 yen.
According to Apple support, this might cause the problem that I can’t get Anki back.

Apple sometimes adjusts the price tiers for paid apps in some markets. This happened a few time over the last one and a half decade and - at least for me - never caused problems with re-downloading paid applications. Have you tried downloading Anki from the „previous purchases“ section in the AppStore? It also might look like if you are doing a purchase, but nothing is debited on the final confirmation screen.


Unfortunately, Apple Support seem to do this a lot recently. I don’t know if they are just badly trained, or if they do it deliberately to make it look like the developer’s problem.

Apple run the App Store. They are the only ones that can view previous purchases, or tell you why you can no longer access the app. Please see the following page for more info, and contact Apple again if you continue to have trouble - hopefully the next person you speak to will be more useful.


Thank you for your reply.
I’ve never tried the procedure.
Though I don’t have the device right now, I’ll try to do it soon when I go home.
I appreciate your help.

Thank you for your reply.
That’s so sad.
However I sometimes noticed apple support was trying to cut the chat about the error.
Anyway I’ll reconnect the Apple support and ask what is the problem.
I appreciate your help.

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