☪️ Quranki القرآن الكريم

Write your suggestions here.

Link to the shared deck: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/872816891

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First I want to thank you for the effort to create the deck “Quranki القرآن الكريم”.

But I want to warn you that there is a mistake I have seen in the deck, Surah Al-Qalam Aya 38.

سورة القلم اية 38
“إِنَّ لَكُمْ فِيهِ لَمَا يَتَخَيَّرُونَ”

Note that I did not finish the deck moreover I do not memorize the Holy Quran so there might be other mistakes that I did not catch, so kindly fix the mistake and have somebody professional to make sure it is correct 100%.

I apologize if for this but if you did not reply to this email to confirm your fix, I will have to give negative feedback on the deck.

Kind Regards,



Memorizing the ‘previous’ ayah isn’t effective. If the card is showing ayah 9 and asking for ayah 8, then on the next card it shows ayah 10 and asks for ayah 9 (which you just read in the previous card) it means that ayah 9 is in your short memory. this isn’t helpful for active recall.

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Can you make a page wise version? Each card simply just has the actual page number and also the number of the page in sequence of that juz so for example: “page 525 / 4th page of Juz 27”


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Salam @Abdullah
Thank you for taking time writing a feedback, without feadback I can not improve this deck, you are right, I am currently working on Quranki 2.0 القرآن الكريم, In which I have used an improved database based upon Uthmanic Quran that mean less mistakes like this including stoping and beging signs, I double checked the new database about his mistake and let me tell you hopfully this ayah have being fixed soon it would be out indeed in the wishes of our almighty Allah SWT :heart:

Salam @azablaze
Sorry for the delay…
You are absolutely right.
Since Anki by default show the previous ayah after the next one is disturbing, I working on Quranki 2.0 in which I have change the card type to cloze deletion and hopfully this issue would be fixed, many thanks for taking time for this important feedback the new Quranki 2.0 would be soon out indeed in the wishes of our almighty Allah SWT :heart:

Salam @Ankiman53 Here is the link of my update deck now it has may features including page subdeck for the long Surah thanks for you great suggestion you can download the new deck at this link https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/336151586?cb=1724244546709

@Abdullah Here is the link for the update deck.

@azablaze Here is the link for the new deck in which I have update the card type into Cloze deletion to fix this issue

separate the deck into subdecks based on the surah name

Just download QuranXP