This add-on is a life saver, but I am encountering an issue where any text color set by the add-on will ignore the text-decoration-color I have set in my cloze card type. This issue does not occur if I use the built in Anki text editor to select the color, only when I use the shortcut from this add-on.
I typically have many clozes per note, and all of them are colored differently based on the type of fact I am trying to learn. However, given all the colored text, I find it helpful to keep the cloze underlined in a different color after flipping the card. I would like this color to maintain the color of the initial cloze, not the color of the text itself after it has been flipped. Here is the CSS Styling I currently have for my cloze cards:
This is how the back of the card looks when I use the add-on shortcut:
And this is how the back of the card looks when I use the built in Anki text editor to set the color (this is my desired appearance):
Is the creator aware of this bug and/or does anyone have a fix for this?