Hello. I’m probably misunderstanding something, but I’m trying to get my head around why review limits exist. Since the optimal strategy is to do all of the reviews you are given so that the Anki algorithm is being used to its potential, why bother setting a limit vs. keeping it unlimited and simply doing as much as you have time for? What is there to be gained by setting a limit - just to make it easier for you to know when you’ve reviewed X cards per day and you should stop?
You shouldn’t learn new cards if you haven’t finished all your review cards. Setting a review limit will allow an automatic control of that.
Do you mean this to refer to a particular session?
I imagine your second option would be better in terms of not restricting the Anki algorithm, correct? Just that it might get overwhelming, whereas a review limit can control that at the expense of not always reviewing cards at the optimal time?
The point is, if you have a backlog of overdue pending reviews, learning new cards will just make that backlog worse. Because new cards today turn into future reviews.