Premade deck scrolls left and right instead of wrapping to fit screen

I don’t know why it won’t wrap to fit screen. The deck is called Livakivi’s 14k Card Sentence Mining Deck.

This is the card styling:

.card {

font-family: “Malgun Gothic”;

//font-family: Gulim;

font-size: 30px;

text-align: center;

color: black;

background-color: silver;


.eng { font-family: Arial; }

.eng.title {color: #999999; font-size:60%;}

.notes {/font-family: Batang;/ color: #449933; font-size: 80%}

You have styling in the field that says “preserve the exact formatting of this text”. If you use find & replace to replace <pre> and </pre> with nothing, it should fix it. Please make sure you back up your collection before making changes.

That worked perfectly. Thank you very much.

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