Not getting enough reviews a day

I am studying the Anking deck for the USMLEs and using FSRS and I’ve tried to adjust my settings to maximize my number of reviews a day. Even when I do a lot of new cards (sometimes reaching 300 new cards a day, I tend to get 200-300 ish reviews per day. I’ve already learned over 11000 cards and want to get more reviews in (around 500+ reviews a day). My friends who are also using anki are getting up to 700 reviews a day and we have around the same number of learned cards (around 11000). What can I do to increase my reviews to around 500 a day.
My learning steps are 1m 20m. My max reviews a day is 9999. My maximum interval is 90 days.
Optimizing my FSRS does not help to increase reviews.
This is my current FSRS parameters with a 0.85 desired retention:
0.3231, 1.1206, 3.3040, 15.8772, 6.4527, 0.7815, 1.9205, 0.0026, 1.5258, 0.1864, 1.1166, 1.8231, 0.1254, 0.4741, 0.9691, 0.4824, 1.0000, 0.6340, 0.6943

Easiest is to increase desired retention or to add more cards.

Your friends probably give themselfs other grades and thus have to repeat the cards more often then you. That’s really not an issue though. The only important thing is that you actually retain the information.

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One possible explanation is that you just know the material pretty well already and thus need fewer repetitions than other people.

You could try to verify this by doing a practice exam or by reviewing cards earlier than Anki would schedule them. For example review all cards that are due in the next two to three weeks. If you know all of them it’s likely that the parameters fit you well already and are simply ahead in terms of studying. If you don’t know them well, doing this a few times will help Anki adjust its parameters.

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Or, you could be misusing hard

  1. Do you have a single deck, or subdecks and parent decks? Have you checked all of your decks to make sure they are using the correct Deck Options preset, and that they don’t have separate “This deck” daily limits?
  2. How does your True Retention look? [Stats > bottom of the page]
  3. Have you run Evaluate on your FSRS parameters? What’s your RMSE, and how many reviews is it counting?
  4. When was the last time you optimized your parameters?

That’s not the lowest max interval I’ve heard of, but it is much lower than seems reasonable. If you lowered this in an effort to increase your workload, you should put it back (at least 1 year, but 3-5 years is probably preferrable) and let’s figure the workload issue out directly.

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