Looking for a plugin that only allows you to go to the next card if you answer correctly

Since all my cards are fill-in-the-blank or multiple choice, I’m looking for a plugin like this:

1.When the answer is incorrect, it can show the hint, but not the scoring button.

2, Only if I answer correctly, it will show the score button and only then allow to go to the next card by clicking on the score button?

Is there any such plugin please?

Or is there a way to control whether the scoring bar is displayed or not?


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I honestly don’t know if there’s an add-on that tries to do this. But I hope there isn’t, because it doesn’t sound like a great idea. For one, Anki needs accurate grading data from you – not “I got it wrong, but then I gave myself a 2nd or 3rd chance and then I got it right” grading data.

Memory science suggests to us that it’s good for forming memories if you have to reach a bit for the correct answer. But if you reach and get the wrong answer, it’s not good to keep trying wrong answers. That just reinforces that pathway in your brain that leads to those wrong answers. If you get it wrong, you need to reset your brain with the correct information, and start the process again. You can read more in the manual about what Anki is designed to do – Background - Anki Manual .


This add-on makes Cloze into typing and provides color feedback on correct or incorrect answers.

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It’s a cool idea. It’s a pity that it’s only for cloze and without mobile device support.


To get cloze + type-answer, you can use native Anki functionality – {{type:cloze:Text}}Field Replacements - Anki Manual .

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The addon solves this problem

addon off
addon on

But this is not important in the context of this topic.
Feedback is important here. You immediately realize that you wrote it wrong. And you can stay longer on this card. For example, try to write it several times before moving on to another one.

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Thus creating exactly the problem I first wrote about – trying out several answers until you’re told one of them is right. That’s why I don’t think it’s a great idea.

With or without an addon, you should always be honest when evaluating your answer. If you didn’t write correctly the first time, then this is not a good button.


I was prompted with an alternative to the addon.

How to have instant type:answer feedback?


Front Template



<div id="answer-field" hidden>{{Back}}</div>

  (() => {
   * Type-in-the-answer live feedback for Anki (vague variant)
   * @author Matthias Metelka | @kleinerpirat
    const input = document.getElementById("typeans");
    const answer = document.getElementById("answer-field").innerHTML;
    if (input) {
      input.addEventListener("input", () => {
          input.value == answer.substring(0, input.value.length)
          input.value == answer

Back Template


<hr id=answer>



.card {
    font-family: arial;
    font-size: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    color: black;
    background-color: white;

#typeans.typed {
  background: red;
#typeans.typed.goodsofar {
  background: yellow;
#typeans.typed.correct {
  background: green;