LoadLibary failed with error 87: wrong parameters

System: Win 10 / App Version 2.1.61-win-qt5 and qt6

While trying to load the desktop app, the error “LoadLibary failed with error 87: wrong parameters” appears. So the app doesn’t start at all.

Reinstalling does not help.

Hope somebody got any ideas, 'cause really love this app!

A brief Google reveals this link, which may possibly help: https://www.makeuseof.com/loadlibrary-failed-error-87-parameter-incorrect/#:~:text=Uninstall%20and%20Reinstall%20the%20Graphics,and%20then%20perform%20a%20reinstall.

Thank you very much for your support. I wasn´t able do find it. The link helped a lot. Thx =)

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