Continuation of [Feature request] Estimated Total Knowledge over time - #13 by Expertium
@A_Blokee I agree with Danika, no pie charts for this one
Continuation of [Feature request] Estimated Total Knowledge over time - #13 by Expertium
@A_Blokee I agree with Danika, no pie charts for this one
I’ll just repeat myself. The stats for answer buttons partially overlap with the Retention chart. We should think of a way to combine both of them.
N.B. My little play with the table last night was pretty much a failure.
I rewrote the table in Svelte 5 and found out it will be quite annoying to get it to play nice with the new stats screen.
I really like the old table but it often doesn’t fit nicely even on a big screen because of Anki adding columns & rows as you resize the window.
I can’t be bothered to write the JS to make it re-flow nicely if it wouldn’t even show up in the “old table” form a lot of the time anyway.
As @sorata said, there overlap with “Answer Buttons”. Maybe we could drop the absolute pass/fail numbers from this table.
A compact version with just the percentages fits quite nicely:
I think absolute values are also important. Btw, dark green is hard to read in dark mode. I wonder if there are “universal” colors that are easy to read in both light mode/theme and in dark.
Yeah, the colours are not the best. I was just focussing on the structure of the table/diagram for now.
Then what’s the point of keeping both?
How would we display the data of both on one graph?
Oh yeah we could just add a “today” and a “last week” radio button to the answer button graph?
The numbers are exactly the same!
They shouldn’t be exactly the same since True Retention doesn’t count same-day reviews.
In the “Answer Button” graph, as same-day reviews come from learning cards, it’s seperated from young/mature stats. So, I think @A_Blokee can combine the stats.
As far as I know, the “True” in “True Retention” has to do with the top-most “Today” section where fail rate mixes up review/learn.
I quickly tried testing answer buttons with cram reviews and it seems to work already before I did anything.
That’s just what appears when you hover over the answer buttons graph.
I was hovering over button 3 which was pressed 140 times/the 202 times I reviewed young cards today.
“145/202=71.78% correct” is the true retention for the young cards which lines up correctly with the table underneath.
Why is the true retention (71.8%) higher than…whatever the other one means?
Well, idk if you know, but I’ll ask anyway.
@sorata @Danika_Dakika any ideas how we can merge Answer Buttons and True Retention into the same thing?
Do you mean 71.8 (in the table) vs 71.78 (in the graph)? That’s probably just rounded up.
No, I mean 69.31% vs 71.78%
I will list a few things about such an approach:
Question: Does the “True Retention” graph includes interday learning cards?
It’s because 71.78% is retention rate and 69.31% is the number of Good button presses (he uses the second button at times).