Latex not displayed correctly in Anki (Ubuntu 22.04)

I installed anki on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 (Desktop). Unfortunately, latex has not been displayed correctly after the upgrade from linux 20.04. I reinstalled anki through

sudo snap install anki-ppd

This is Anki’s version 2.1.49.

Furthermore, I reinstalled the following with the commands:

sudo apt-get install texlive-full
sudo apt-get install dvipng

It was indicated that dvisvgm is included in texlive-full. All installations resulted without errors.

Can you help?

Could you provide some details about:

  • the formulas you are rendering;
  • how they rendered before the upgrade (or how you expect them to render);
  • how they render now (ie. what’s the actual difference with what you expect).

Also, I noticed that Anki’s integration with LaTeX was somehow quite limited (at least last time I tried it was), and using MathJax works out better.

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The snap may be the issue: Linux Distro Packages - Anki Manual