Is there a way to do this?

I would like to custom review some new cards in a filtered deck, then set them due out a whole month (I have to manually set the due date since filtered decks are oddly capped at 1 day intervals), and when I pass them, have FSRS know that this card passed its first review a month out from the first exposure. Is this possible?

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Do reviews inside a filtered deck have any impact on FSRS at all? I would like to force some cards over a big interval, and have FSRS recognize I pass them over big intervals once they are sent back to the main deck.

I’m not sure how this is related to the topic of this post. The simple answer is – yes, reviews insider a Filtered deck “impact” FSRS exactly the same way as reviews in standard decks – as long as you have “reschedule based on” enabled for that deck. Filtered Decks - Anki Manual

If you need more detail than that, you’ll have to clarify what you mean by “force some cards over a big interval” – and I’ll split you off to your own thread.


I want to make sure I understand you, because what you’re suggesting hasn’t made sense to me here or in Reddit. You’re proposing that you’ll introduce the cards through a Filtered/Custom Study deck, and THEN use Set Due Date to make them actually due a month later? Yes, when you study them a month later, FSRS will know that a month has passed.

I don’t know why you’re introducing them in a Filtered deck, but there’s no limitation like that on a Filtered deck. As long as you have “reschedule based on” enabled, it’s using the same scheduling rules/Deck Options for each card that it would use studying the card in its home deck.

I’m also not sure why you’re introducing them at all if you’re going to change their due date immediately after. Perhaps if you say what your ultimate goal is, it will be easier to help you.

I wanted to:

  • go through new cards in a filtered deck
  • shoot them out a monthミstill inside the filtered deck
  • not have these cards, in general, influence FSRS in the main deck yet
  • then if I deliberately send one back to the main deck, say I’ve passed the card twice over month-long gaps already, FSRS would then factor this in for that card

I guess the only way to do this is with an actual separate deck. In that case, would it matter as far as what FSRS is later able to see whether I set the date out or use a 30d learning step?

I still don’t understand the goal of your process, so I’m going to ask some specific questions.

What does “go through” mean? Do you want them to enter the Learn stage, give them grades, and have them moving through learnings steps or scheduled for a new date? Or do you want to just flip through the fronts and backs?

Does that mean you want to set them for new due dates, but stay in that Filtered deck for a month until then? Are you going to rebuild the Filtered deck? What search filter are you using on the deck, and will those cards still satisfy it?

By “influence FSRS” do you mean – be included in your next Optimization of your parameters? Because the existence of a card doesn’t influence FSRS other than that.

Or do you mean you don’t want the cards to have their scheduling controlled by FSRS yet?

What does “go through” mean?

Put them through learning steps (that are large and therefore in violation of the holy rules of our Lord and Savior FSRS). I’m learning certain cards with big learning steps, and I’m trying to find the way to do this that has the most consequences that I do want (such as scheduling escalating appropriately for those particular cards once they’re back in the main deck, and if the scheduler started “agreeing” that learning cards with larger initial spacing is good in general in that deck that would be a plus) and the least consequences that I don’t want (the obvious screwing-up-what-every-button-does we’re all warned about).

Does that mean you want to set them for new due dates, but stay in that Filtered deck for a month until then?


Are you going to rebuild the Filtered deck? What search filter are you using on the deck, and will those cards still satisfy it?

This is one reason I figured an actual deck might be the only solution: I would need -is:learn on this filtered deck because I don’t want it sucking in cards in the learning stage that are from, and have always been in the main deck—I would just want it to keep the new ones I deliberately introduced there. I guess this is impossible.

Another reason is because when I review from mobile, it’s difficult to grade a card and then manually schedule it—the easiest way to reschedule it is to do so with it on-screen pre-grading. And the filtered decks only do learning steps in seconds and are capped at five digits which comes out to about a day, so this can’t be done with learning steps there. So I guess learning steps in a normal deck are the only way to handle the actual process without hassle. But if that’s true it still leaves question about the consequences (and how to optimize them).

By “influence FSRS” do you mean – be included in your next Optimization of your parameters?

Yes. Once those cards pass through this process—but only once they do—I want them to influence the optimization.

But now my worry is if I do this in a regular deck with learning steps, FSRS only sees “you pressed good and then hard and then again,” not “you passed it in a day and passed it again after a whole month but failed it after another month”, and this means this still has similar consequences as setting big learning steps in the original deck would to begin with.

Whatever way you go about this, you can wait for the end of the day and Set Due Date on a batch of cards at once. But if you want the card to stay in Learn, you can’t use Set Due Date on it – that will convert it to a Review card.

What you’re talking about there is a Filtered date with reschedule-based-on disabled. That’s not what you want if you’re trying to have these cards accumulate review history. You would have to do it with the learning steps already set for those cards, so you’d have to set these learning steps in the the home deck’s Deck Options.

You should have them in a different preset then. Or not re-optimize your deck while you’re conducting this experiment.

FSRS considers the time since the last time you studied the card. That shouldn’t be an issue.

I don’t see anything here that you can’t do in a regular deck, using its own preset. What you’re essentially trying to do is force a schedule of your own choosing on these cards, before turning them over to FSRS. This seems like a lot of work to go through, when you could just put them in a preset with a low DR. But if you think you can devise better scheduling than FSRS, go for it.