Is there a short-cut in AnkiMobile for viewing hints with a remote controller (8BitDo zero 2)?

Hey guys,
I have created many Anki-cards where i have a question on the front side and an answer on the back. I also added an explanation (in grey font) and an image. For some reason the explanation automatically shows when i turn the card, however for the image i have to click on a “link” first. By link i mean the word “image” is colored blue and opens upon clicking.

With the desktop version i was able to install an Add-on that allowed me to use the key H as a shortcut for opening the hints.
As for the Mobile version this sadly doesn’t work so i figured i can customize one of the user actions. How do i do that?

My ultimate goal is to program my remote (BitDo zero 2) so that i don’t have to use my keyboard on my iPad at all.

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Please see Hint Reveal and Cloze one by one for Mobile Gamepad?