Incremental Reading Add-on (unofficial clone)

I haven’t used Supermemo, so I can only give a comparison from what I’ve read about Supermemo.

From what I can tell, this plugin lacks a few features:

  • Intelligent scheduling algorithm. This addon uses very basic scheduling algorithm based on priority. It doesn’t take into account when the card was created or the review history. It also doesn’t automatically adjust priority based on user review pattern.
  • Intertwine between “normal” review cards (i.e, Basic and Cloze card types in Anki) and IR (incremental reading) cards. This plugin uses a hack to order the IR cards. So a deck can’t have both normal cards and IR cards.
  • Breaking down long articles. Supermemo has a feature to break long articles down into multiple cards, but this addon doesn’t (except for the epub import, which can break a book down into its chapters).
  • No native support for PDFs. User has to open the PDF using another PDF reader and copy/paste notes back into this Anki plugin. (btw, I use Firefox to read PDFs and put a local link like “file:///Users/username/ebooks/adkins2020_build_secure_and_reliable_service.pdf#page=491” in the IR note)

That being said, this addon has the basic functionalities required for incremental reading as per this youtube video by Experimental Learning:, namely:

  • interleave different materials,
  • extract to new notes,
  • create cloze deletions,
  • order with priority queue,
  • and review with Spaced Repetition (using vanilla Anki).

Hi, it appears that this add-on is causing the undo function to not work when pressing the “U” key. Anki keeps displaying “No undo history for this card.” Do you have any idea why this might be happening?

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IR add-on uses “U” as the default undo Key for IR.
This key can be changed in Options.

  • read → Options → Basic Controls → Undo Key
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Thank you so much!!!

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I’m having some difficulty getting this to work in the latest Anki (v24.04). I was able to extract a webpage and able to extract a note from the webpage. However scheduling the cards is not working. Whenever I press “Soon”/“Later”/“Custom”, I still see the same card and manually changing their priorities also doesn’t change anything.

I’m using FSRS though, probably that might be the issue. Would appreciate any help here.

System: MacOS
Anki version: 24.04

Breaking down long articles. Supermemo has a feature to break long articles down into multiple cards, but this addon doesn’t (except for the epub import, which can break a book down into its chapters).

I had made a tool like that a few years ago. I’ve dusted off the project and it is now available.
This is CLI only but the docs should make it easy enough.

On a side note, for those who are interested in incremental reading: Supermemo seems to have become abandonware. I had bought a license and in spite of my efforts to contact them throughout several weeks I never received the activation key. I had to request a refund through Paypal. I would recommend to say away from that license.


I’d recommend using Priorities Scheduling Mode. I find it a lot more useful and less buggy than the default mode.
You can find this setting in Tools > Add-ons > Incremental Reading v4119 unofficial clone > Scheduling tab > Scheduling Mode.

I’m also using FSRS (through Anki’s scheduler v3) and they work fine together.