Impossible to synchronize anki on the linux app

Hi everyone
It’s my first time using Anki
i installed it on my laptop running on linux. I can use the app just fine and create decks without problem. But when i want to synchronize the app so i can find my decks on ankiweb or my iphone app, i’ve got an error message displaying:

“Your Anki client does not support the new timezone handling yet. Please ensure your Anki is up to date.”
I installed Anki just yesterday so i don’t think i’ve got an obsolete version…

If you’ve already got this problem, i’d love to hear about how you fixed it!
Cheers :slight_smile:

Which Anki version are you running? It is possibly outdated as you might have installed it from an outdated source.


Please see Linux Distro Packages - Anki Manual

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