Importing Imiwa list

Is there a way to import a tabbed Imiwa word list to Anki mobile app? I do not own a desktop; I only own an iPhone and iPad. If you are familiar with Imiwa I also could use a recommendation on how to include the example sentences. Thanks.

If you can get your “tabbed Imiwa word list” into a proper text/CSV format, then it is importable into the desktop version of Anki – but not into the mobile apps.

Your best bet would be to borrow someone else’s computer and install Anki or run it portable from a flash drive. Once you get the text/CSV file imported, you can export it as an apkg file, and then import that into your AnkiMobile.

I’m afraid that info is a bit out of date - AnkiMobile supports importing .csv files, and I’m pretty sure AnkiDroid does too. To do so with AnkiMobile, tap on a .csv or .tsv file in a file manager, and you should get an option to open it in AnkiMobile.

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Well, that’s great news! I’ll spread the word!

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