Importing from Google sheets not working

Hello there.

First off, I am SO excited by the Anki app. I’ve been using it for a week and LOVING it.
I’ve managed to import files, but then it just stops working.
I’ve downloaded the file as a csv, making sure there are not characters in the first two columns, then I import into a new deck and it says:

Importing complete.

0 notes added, 0 notes updated, 83 notes unchanged.

I have tried all kinds of different things. I even read about “Using Excel to Import into Anki” - where I exported to Excel and tried the process, but couldn’t find the “Unicode” encoding in Notes.

I’m super frustrated as the same sheet worked in the past and now doesn’t.
I’m not sure how to attach the CSV file, but any help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards

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For creating csv I use Libreoffice Calc. And I never had any problems with importing.
The files must be in UTF-8 format.

If you use some cloud service like google drive or ms onedrive you can share link to your file in such online drive.

Something like this imports without any problems

But fields need to be mapped to Anki note type correctly. And I had to mark Allow HTML in fields.

Yaaaaay! Thank you so much. Solved the problem… and SO easy. Thank you thank you thank you.

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Thank you gnomek. The first answer solved things immediately, but if I get stuck again I will try this!