If you already have a note and try to update that same note with Import any learning progress enabled, it won’t import the learning progress. How to reproduce:
Export a note which has any scheduling information as .apkg with Include scheduling information
Delete the note
Import the note with Import any learning progress disabled
Import the note again with Import any learning progress enabled
The note is skipped as an up to date copy is already in your collection.
Expected result:
The note should have been updated with the learning progress
Is this intended? According to the help dialog:
If enabled, any previous reviews that the deck sharer included will also be imported. Otherwise, all cards will be imported as new cards, and any “leech” or “marked” tags will be removed.
When you can’t import scheduling information it makes it difficult to update the order of shared decks because when a user wants to reposition cards with scheduling information, they cannot be repositioned for new card order. They have to be repositioned without any scheduling information, but then you can’t get your scheduling information back and need two sets of nodes: one for the shared deck and for for yourself.
Even when selecting “Always” it doesn’t update if the content is the same. If I import it to another profile, update and export it with the scheduling information again, then import to the first profile, it does say it is updated, however it is still marked as new.
The scheduling information is initially shown in the card info, but it is not in use.
Also, I would argue that it should still be possible to import the scheduling information without updating the content of the notes. Consider this scenario:
If I wanted to change the order of the cards in a shared deck, I would export the notes with a guids, then reorder the notes in the text file based on multiple columns (in Anki you need an addon for this). Then I would first export the deck with scheduling information, then delete the deck, import the newly ordered notes with unique ids, and then get my scheduling information back.